Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, June 4, 2010

Prediction Time.

18 weeks, 1 day. Overall weight gain? About 10 lbs... give or take (usually more give than take...). Aches and pains all over the place. Severe lack of clothes crisis going on.

And 3 marvelous kicks.

That's right. I finally felt Baby H for the very first time around 3:50am Wednesday morning (so June 2, 2010). And of course, I haven't felt any movement since, but my goodness. When they say that you will know what baby movement feels like when you feel it, they aren't kidding around! It brought a HUGE smile to my face and then I nerdishly (yes, nerdishly) laid in bed for the next 5 or so minutes going, "Do it again. Come on baby. Do it again for mom." I'm optimistic though and predict I will feel our little one move again really soon.

Speaking of predictions... the BIG anatomy ultrasound is in exactly 1 week. So, what do we think we are going to be having?

From about 7 weeks to 11 weeks along I was really feeling boy. Then from weeks 11 to 14 I really wasn't feeling boy or girl. From about week 14/15 until now though? I've really been feeling girl. Mitch also has been feeling girl, but he claims that is because the only baby he has ever really been around is our niece Kirstin.

So sex prediction of Baby H? We are both saying girl.

One more week!

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