Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, May 28, 2010

17 Week Update.

I can hardly believe that in just 2 weeks Mitch and I will be seeing our little one again... and hopefully find out that our baby is healthy as can be along with the sex.

Also, a couple of weeks ago Mitch and I noticed a new milestone. I officially have the linea nigra- the dark line on my belly. It's weird... but hey. Most of what happens during pregnancy is weird so I'm beginning to get used to all of this.

Today marks 17 weeks, 1 day of pregnancy and I must admit. I still love being pregnant. There are definitely some less-than-ideal side effects to pregnancy, but just knowing that I am growing our baby is beyond amazing. I wouldn't have it any other way.

It looks like there is still the possibility of us moving into a bigger house late this summer which is wonderful... and frustrating all at the same time. I'm starting to feel this strong urge to get a room all ready for Baby H and start buying a few things, but we really don't have room for that here. If we do end up staying in the townhome, we will have to move the majority of the office into a storage facility until we do have the ability to move into a bigger place.

So far the only thing we have bought for the baby is the baby book (which I still love even though it sits on the tv stand staring at me with a judging stare saying "Come update me...."). I can't wait to start a registry... it is just looking like we probably won't have a free weekend to do that until July around the 23 weeks mark. We'll see how it goes... things have a way of happening when they do around our household... regardless of planning.

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