Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, May 21, 2010

3rd Dr. Appt... and future appointments!

Okay, so check up #3 was today for our 16 week appointment and it went really well... and really quickly! I think we were seen for about 4-5 minutes tops before we were sent on our way. Which I guess is a good thing as it means that everything is progressing on schedule! I've gained a total of 9 lbs so far which is right on track with where I should be in regards to weight gain. She also measured my belly and said that I'm right on schedule and then she busted out that doppler and we were able to hear the heartbeat again. (Which makes for a very happy Lindsay).

The sound of our baby's heartbeat just brings a huge smile to my face. It is absolutely amazing to hear that heartbeat and to also hear whenever the baby moves. And we heard it move quite a bit... I just can't feel movement quite yet. That should be soon... typically around the 19 week point (though some feel it earlier) although Mitch won't be able to feel any movement until about 24 weeks or so.

Back to the appointment though, the heartbeat was at 152 beats per minute and sounded nice and healthy. So after the appointment we got to schedule our anatomy ultrasound and it is scheduled for 3 weeks from today on June 11th... 2 days before our 1 year wedding anniversary! So that is the ultrasound in which we will be finding out if we are having a baby girl or baby boy- as long as the baby cooperates with the ultrasound. We will get to make sure that there are 10 fingers and 10 toes and see how much our little one has grown. Can you tell that I can hardly wait? We'll then meet with the doctor 5 days later on the 16th to go over the results.

Time is just starting to fly.

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