Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tennessee, Appointments, and Nesting... Oh My!

What a busy week! It was so busy, that I didn't even post my 20 week belly picture... so here is the 20 week belly picture. In other words, this is what I looked like 1.5 weeks ago? There is definitely no mistaking that I have a belly now... which is wonderful as it means baby boy is growing by leaps and bounds in there.

Back to that busy week. So, the day after we found out about having to go in for a level II ultrasound I got a phone call at work from my mom saying that Da-Da (her dad, my grandpa) was in the hospital and that the doctors were saying family needed to come now and that they were asking about a living will.

So, I called Mitch and we both left work and met up at home to pack. We couldn't get on a flight that night (they were all overbooked), so we hopped in the car and picked up my brother Andrew, his fiance Aimee, and my niece Kirstin and all 5 of us made the 13 hour roadtrip to Tennessee.

Thankfully, Da-Da is stubborn and apparently it just wasn't his time. Although he came in with zero blood pressure and zero oxygen while in congestive heart failure... he somehow came completely full circle and was released from the hospital by Sunday afternoon. He's a bit weak, but that is to be expected! I'm just very thankful that the trip ended the way it did instead of how it could have ended. This picture is from Sunday evening at Da-Da's house after he got released from the hospital.

So, after spending 3 days in the hospital, I treated Mitch to a father-to-be father's day dinner at Boyette's on Reelfoot Lake. When we first got there, we went over to see the eagles, hawk, and owl that they have (previously injured and unable to return to wildlife for their protection). We then took a walk on a trail that took us just over the edge of Reelfoot Lake (including some sights of turtles, snakes, and a beaver dam). Afterwards, we went to Boyette's and ate more than our share's worth of catfish, onion rings, fries, white beans, coleslaw, and hushpuppies. Yum! Of course, I did get in trouble afterwards by Da-Da for not having invited him (even though he had just been released from the hospital). I guess that just means that next time... he's getting invited!

On Monday morning, Mitch and I had to leave to get back to Minnesota so we could be back at work by Tuesday. The ride home was just fine until we hit Iowa... and the storms! We went through some really bad weather, and found out that 20 minutes after we had left a town, a tornado had touched down! Thankfully we were able to get home without any further incidents and we were able to schedule our level II ultrasound for Wednesday, June 30th... so this upcoming Wednesday (3 days away). We're still a bit anxious about this, but I think we both feel better as we've continued to do research and come to grips with the possibilities of what the echogenic intracardial focus might mean. What will be, will be.

Now, off to do more nesting (aka cleaning and organizing the house).

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