Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Level II Ultrasound.

Today was the day of the level II ultrasound to take that closer look on the heart regarding the echogenic intracardiac focus. Good news is that, although the bright spot is still there, there are no other indicators of any other issues. Therefore, the high risk perinatal doctor stated that we will not be high risk and that we have nothing to worry about. Overall, we are breathing a bit easier and feel a lot better about everything.

Plus, it was quite reassuring (and fun!) to see the little man moving all over the place. It was also a neat experience to both see and feel him kick and move around. He kicked so hard near the beginning at the ultrasound wand that the technician actually felt him! The technician and the doctor both also stated that yes, it is most definitely a boy that we have in there.

He currently is weighing in at 1 lb, 1 oz and his heart rate was a strong 148 beats per minute. They said that he is right on schedule with our due date and that everything looks good! He likes to have his hand on his nose a lot (which was also true at the 2nd trimester ultrasound 3 weeks ago).

...Alright, so baby was just kicking a lot so Mitch came over to the couch just now and put his hand on my belly and, sure enough, he felt the baby kick! Not bad at 22 weeks. He's definitely a strong boy... and it's so much fun to get to know him a little bit more everyday.

What a perfect way to end such a wonderful day for the Hofer's.


  1. Hi Lindsay this is so reassuring to read your blog and the updates. I was just told today too that my baby has EIF at 20wks and i cried all day long. As I progress through reading blogs, i got more confused as to whether i should be doing the amnio or not. I still havent talked to my OBGYN. Im hoping that she will send me first for the level II ultrasound before the amnio. As far as you remember, is that always the step? Thank you so much for this post and enjoy your growing baby :)

  2. Hi Lindsay this is so reassuring to read your blog and the updates. I was just told today too that my baby has EIF at 20wks and i cried all day long. As I progress through reading blogs, i got more confused as to whether i should be doing the amnio or not. I still havent talked to my OBGYN. Im hoping that she will send me first for the level II ultrasound before the amnio. As far as you remember, is that always the step? Thank you so much for this post and enjoy your growing baby :)

  3. Hi sweetheart! Obviously you have to do what is right for you, but I know that a lot of these soft markers turn out to be a lot of worry for nothing. My son, Parker, will be turning 2 this Halloween and he is healthy as can be. So hang in there and try not to stress too much (I know. Tall order.). Just have faith that your baby will be perfect just the way that little one is right now despite anything else. Thinking and praying for you all.

