Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby bump?

The day before Easter (so Saturday, April 3) Mitch and I went over to my mom's house for Easter lunch. I woke up and thought, "Ugh, I'm starting out the day as a bloat/fat day." Well. Let's just say that my "bloat/fat day" hasn't gone away yet. That's right. I'm sporting the beginning of my baby bump! It is something that I have very mixed emotions on. On one hand, it is very exciting because it is a wonderful milestone to reach in pregnancy. On the other hand, it means my "skinny" days are gone for awhile and my pre-pregnancy body is gone. I don't think either emotion is bad... it's just the way it is. So I'm just taking it at face value and moving on.

This does create a bit of an issue with clothing choices now. I've told HR and my boss at work, but that is it. (Other than 3 females who I had told right away: Brenda, Kalli, and Janet... but that was more because I needed someone to talk to at work about this and I trust them.) So this means that the majority of the employees there, including my team that I supervise over, do not know and I'm trying to stretch that out as long as possible. We'll see how much longer I can be creative with my wardrobe before I just cave in!

Other than that, things are still going really well! I'm still very tired and enjoy sitting and relaxing rather than being motivated and going for walks, doing homework, exercising, shopping, etc. I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks that will change a bit and I'll have a bit more energy as I enter the second trimester. I guess time will tell. Right now I am 11 weeks, 2 days pregnant and Baby Hofer is approximately the size of a lime.

Which just makes me miss corona beer. With a lime.

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