Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday... to me!

Today is my 26th birthday and it hasn't been all that bad. Fatigue has decided to stick around for awhile and it is getting harder and harder to get up in the mornings... let alone stay up all day long! It makes the work and school schedule I've got going on a bit difficult.

I also found out yesterday that my short term disability request was denied based off of information found on my medical record. I am beyond furious! I will be calling to get more information and trying to appeal their decision. That is money that we are going to need with this pregnancy! I'm hoping that there was some erroneous information on my medical record that I can get updated and go for an appeal that way. It's just frustrating because it is extra work that I have to do and potential not-so-good news.

In good news... everything seems to still be going well with the pregnancy. We have started telling friends, but it is so hard to do in person with some people. I'm thinking I might have to break down and call them to tell them over the phone. It hasn't leaked on facebook yet, but I have a feeling it is just a matter of time. I still have no morning sickness... and that makes me one happy girl.

Well, after working for 1/2 a day, I now need to go write two papers before class tonight from 6-9pm. Ugh. Happy birthday?

P.S. My birthday gifts? A baby (hehe) and tickets to see the Wizard of Oz at the Orpheum. How sweet is that?

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