Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, March 19, 2010

First (of many) doctor appointments!

So today was our first doctor appointment and it was full of family history and social environment questions. It sounds like we shouldn't (knock on wood) have much to worry about! We were informed that today we would have an ultrasound and that we will only have one more ultrasound throughout the pregnancy which will be between 18-20 weeks.

In our ultrasound we were able to see our baby. It kind of looks like a blob shape, but Mitch swears that if you look closely you can see the head and the arm and leg buds. We were also able to see the heart beating... just fluttering away. It was very exciting to see and it really made everything seem a bit more real.

We had a small scare during the ultrasound in which our nurse practitioner thought that she saw two heartbeats in the same sac. This is not a good thing as yes, it does mean twins, but it means that they are having to share nutrients and that typically one of them will not make it. So, she had Mitch take over the ultrasound while she went to go get an ultrasound technician to take a closer look. Thankfully, it was found that it is not another heartbeat, but the umblical cord pulsating with my heartbeat. We were very much relieved! (And now Mitch has a new skill to add to his resume-- ultrasound technician.)

When our nurse practitioner was doing the ultrasound she also measured the size of everything to give us a better idea of what age our baby is and it looks like it might be about a week behind what we were going off of. Instead of being 8 weeks, 2 days our baby is measuring at 7 weeks, 1 day. This would push our estimated delivery date to Nov. 4 instead of Oct. 27. However, it will not be changed officially until the 18-20 week ultrasound by actual radiology technicians that specialize in reading ultrasounds. Because we are measuring a week later, we changed our next appointment. Instead of going in on Apr. 16, we will be meeting with Dr. Cheng on Apr. 30 (where I will be 13-14 weeks along). At that appointment we will be able to actually hear the heartbeat (but not see our little one). Needless to say... we are quite excited!

So we have begun the process of informing extended family. Due to the technology era that we find ourselves in, we will probably be telling our friends sooner than we had previously planned. We are worried that a well-intentioned family member will post something on facebook and the news will be out before we have let our friends know. Obviously we would prefer to be the ones to tell them in our own way and we want to avoid any hurt feelings. When? We haven't quite gotten that one figured out, but probably within the next week.

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