Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why, hello 2nd trimester.

13 weeks came and passed on Wednesday... and the sweetest thing happened. Mitch kissed my belly for the first time. And yes, I most definitely have a belly. And yes, I am still promising to get better at taking pictures because I don't want to regret not taking enough pictures.

Technically, I think that the official transition from 1st trimester to 2nd trimester is 13 weeks, 3 days... but either way I'm going to go ahead and say 2nd trimester. (Besides, that would just mean tomorrow and I'm not going to be that picky...)

Yesterday, my friend Becky found out that her and Eric are having a baby boy. My other friend, Ashley, is going to be having a girl (she found out a couple of weeks ago). As for me? Who knows... between 8-11 weeks I was feeling boy, but now I am not feeling one way or the other. Honestly? I would be happy with either boy or girl! I mean, it is our first child and we do plan on having at least one more if not two. Now if we already had 2 boys... yeah, I'd be rooting for a girl, but that isn't the case here. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. That ultrasound isn't until the 20 week mark and that appointment won't be for about another 8 weeeks or so based on our appointment scheduling so far.

Speaking of appointments... Monday is our 2nd doctor appointment! At this appointment we are not going to get to see our little one (that won't be until the 20 week ultrasound), but we WILL get to hear the heartbeat on the doppler as well as make sure all of my vitals look good. I'll also get to ask the doctor about what is up with my low back/pelvis pain that I'm having. I might have to go out shopping this weekend for a recordable stuffed animal or picture frame to take with us to the appointment. I would love to be able to record the sound of the heartbeat that way we can share with all of our family and friends... and also so Mitch and I can listen to it whenever we want.

This past weekend we picked up a baby book! I really like it and think that it will be a wonderful thing to have. I can already tell it is going to be a real headache though trying to remember to keep it updated and filling in all of the blanks... but it will definitely be worth it in the end. This also marks the first item that we have purchased for our little one! After our 2nd doctor appointment we are going to most likely go public on facebook and perhaps even start our baby registry! We're going to need some help on what to register for as this is brand new to the both of us! It should be very interesting... and I am very excited about all of this.

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