Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, April 26, 2010

2nd Doctor Appointment

Today was our second doctor appointment and we heard a beautiful sound today. Our little one's heartbeat! It was beating at 160 beats per minute and sounded strong and healthy. Every now and then we could hear the baby move... which was another good sign and made both of us smile.

It was a very quick appointment as I am pretty sure we were only in there for about 15 minutes... if that. I've gained a total of 6 lbs (which he said was very good and right where I should be) and that all of my lab results came back as normal. The only thing that could potentially cause problems is that I am Rh- which just means I need to call them right away if I have any bleeding as they will need to give me a shot. I join about 20-25% of the population with being Rh-, so it is just something I have to be aware of right now.

I did ask about my low back/pelvic area pain that I have been having and we were told that it is my sciatic nerve and that hopefully as the uterus moves up and out of the pelvic area the pain should lessen, if not go away. He then went on to add that later on in the pregnancy the pain will most likely return and could be worse than what it is now. Oh joy.

The doctor also officially moved our due date from Oct. 27th to Nov. 4th. So that means we will be going through week 13 again starting on Thursday, April 29th. Upcoming appointments will be the 16 week appointment with the nurse practitioner that will be just like today's appointment. Then we will have our 19 week anatomy ultrasound (and hopefully find out the gender!) and then on to our 20 week appointment with the doctor again. So we have 3 appointments coming up in the next 2 months! Busy, busy, busy!

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