Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I hope pregnancy is contagious...

So there have been quite a number of changes lately.

I recently found out that two of my friends are pregnant. Both of which are in the picture here with me on "Yellow Night". "Yellow Night" was early December (so before either one knew that they were expecting). Ashley had been trying for a year and a half... and Becky's was a surprise. It's just frustrating to hear about other's joyous news when I have no idea if I have succeeded or not. Especially when I hear Becky talking about how stressful it is as she they didn't plan for the pregnancy and it may cause problems with her school schedule.

Either way... it IS a congratulations to them both. I wish them the best. I just wish I knew if I was or not... and if the drinks we had on "Yellow Night" were of the pregnancy inducing variety.

So how is it going with Mitch and I and our plans? Basically, we had plenty of fun with the trying part and we are quickly getting annoyed with the waiting part. By my calculations, I should have started menstruation Monday night... so I thought I would take an early pregnancy test on the Friday morning 3 days early. I bought the test on Thursday evening because I wanted to know if the symptoms I was experiencing were pregnancy related... or mental tricks. As this is something that I want to happen, I figure that my mind is probably creating the same symptoms. Isn't it funny how our bodies work? So I have heard that if you are taking the pregnancy test early that you should take it in the morning for the best results. So I told Mitch I would take the test on Friday morning when I got up as I didn't have to be at work until noon. So he asked if I would call him right away to which I said.... no. See, I just have a problem with telling my husband that we are going to be having a child OVER THE PHONE. That is something that should be done IN PERSON if one can help it. So we agreed that I would get up early with him on Friday morning and take it before he went to work.

And it was a big fat negative.

Let's just say that I was slightly less than encouraged. So I started telling myself that it just wasn't meant to be this time and that we would be successful the next go around. And then... more symptoms. The most frustrating part of all of this is that most of the symptoms are the same for pregnancy and menstruation! Not to mention the highly probable arise of mind tricks.

So I told Mitch that I wouldn't test until at earliest Wednesday... maybe Thursday. So the only thing I have to truly go off of is whether or not my period starts between now and Wed/Thur pregnancy testing. Therefore, Mitch and I have created a quick and dirty communication about the status of my uterus. If no period, I just tell him that it is not a no.

Here's to hoping that I continue to say that. I'm really hoping I'm pregnant.

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