Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One week countdown?! Where did the time go?!

It's beginning to feel very real. Very, very real. Mitch and I are going to be attempting for pregnancy in just one week. One week! It seems absolutely surreal and I cannot believe how excited I am over this. I am excited, nervous, anxious, worried, and all kinds of other feelings that I simply cannot translate into words.

As seen with the picture, on our 6 month wedding anniversary, Mitch and I were at Chianti Grill (the restaurant he took me to on October 17, 2008 right before he proposed to me) and I could not help but stare at this young couple that was out with their family celebrating the new addition... their baby girl that was 4 weeks old. I knew I was staring, but I wanted to take it all in as that is something that I want and desire... and we are so close to that now. All that is left is for me to continue eating healthy, continue taking pre-natal vitamins, and to drink more water... in addition to a lot of lovemaking with the husband!

Merry Christmas, Lindsay. If all goes as planned, you could potentially be a mother in the next year.

And yes, I know that I keep saying that I shouldn't get my hopes up for immediate conception, but how can I not? When you make the decision to attempt to conceive... you are admitting that you are ready and willing to have a baby. You do not start trying to conceive thinking that you want to wait another 2-3 years before you are successful. So although I have said that I need to try and not get my hopes up, I now know that as a pointless and unobtainable goal. Truth is, my hopes are up. I am hoping that by the middle of January that Mitch and I will both have a secret to keep to ourselves until we decide to let our family and friends know of our baby news. I hope to be successful right away to spare ourselves the disappointment of each unsuccessful month that follows no conception.

Either way... in one week we are playing for keeps. I can't wait.

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