Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's the holiday season!

Thanksgiving came and went in a blur. Christmas cards have gone out and the majority of gifts have been purchased, wrapped, and placed underneath our beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The stockings have been hung and Christmas music abounds.

And the countdown for Mitch and I to start trying to conceive is beginning to tick very loudly.

Here it is, December 11th. This is my last week of caffeine, alcohol, medium-rare steak, fish, cookie batter, etc. This is my last week of birth control pills. This is the start of a new chapter in my life.

I've always loved the holiday season. Christmas is my all-time favorite holiday and this year it has that "extra" feeling about it. This will be our first Christmas as a married couple and it might (hopefully) be our last Christmas with it being just the two of us.

This year will be Mitch's first Christmas away from his family. Yes, I am stealing him away to Tennessee with me to have Christmas with my grandfather and all of my extended family on my mom's side. Da-Da's house at Christmas time is just absolutely magical and something that I always look forward to. My family has always been one to have traditions and Christmas is full of those family traditions. The reading from the bible and lighting candles for everyone involved with the birth of Jesus Christ. The sitting around in candlelight and singing Christmas songs with the family. The love and the warmth that comes from quality time with loved ones.

It's no wonder why this is my favorite time of year.

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