Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, January 22, 2010

Skol Vikings!

It's that time of year for football... and the Vikings are still in the game! We just need to crush those pesky Saints and then we will have our ticket to the Super Bowl.

In our household, whenever the Vikings play we have to be dressed appropriately. Zelda, the cat, must be wearing her sweater (that she despises), Brady, the dog, must wear his Vikings bandana, and Mitch and I are in our jerseys. We consider it our good luck tokens, if you will. By the way, Zelda's sweater? It was a sweater that was originally on Brady's stuffed bear animal and is waaaay to small for her to the point that it is a source of amusement for Mitch and I as she winds up looking as though her middle is super tiny and her head and ass are huge. Some might call that cruel and unusual punishment, however we like to consider it hilarious.

Speaking of the Vikings though, Mitch is a huge fan and I've become one... mostly due to being married to a Vikings fan. I've always enjoyed football though, so it wasn't a tough transition. And I do so enjoy going to the games! Here is a picture from when we went on our 6 month anniversary (Dec 13, 2009) to the Vikings vs Bengals game. (We won...)

Let's just say that I'm looking forward to the WIN that we will have this upcoming Sunday... we really want that Super Bowl Champion title...

In other news, I can confidently say that I am not pregnant. I was only a week and 2 days late... just a tad bit frustrating when I was wishing and hoping that I was possibly pregnant. Which it sucks, but it isn't the end of the world. We'll just try again! :) This time though? I refuse, refuse, refuse to take a pregnancy test until I am at least 1 week late. I don't want to obsess over it like I did this time... I have too many other things going on in my life as is and I just don't want to add to it.

At least that is what I am saying now. We'll see.

Today I don't have to work until 5pm and it is absolutely glorious to just sit around and do nothing. Sure, I could be doing homework, laundry, cleaning, etc... but I'm not and it feels great! I'm 100% confident that this will bite me in the ass at a later point, but that is future Lindsay's problem. So I think I will go back to my leisure reading on the couch... while wearing my robe with my feet propped up on the coffeetable.

Life just doesn't get any better than that.

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