Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, January 15, 2010

Time? What is that?

So it is now Friday... and it is "still not a no." I can only assume that we were not successful with our first attempt at pregnancy due to the 2 negative early pregnancy tests, but it is becoming frustrating because I am now 4-5 days late. I'm at that limbo point where I don't want to have a concrete no because that then seals the deal that we were not successful, but at the same time I would like to go ahead and get started on trying again if it is a no. Does that make any sense? Rhetorical question, by the way.

Well, my first week of the semester has passed and all I can say is that I am tired. There is a lot to be done, and I have a feeling that my weekends will be homework-filled as there will be no time during the week to accomplish any of that. I get to class about 15-20 minutes before it starts only to go home to bed right after so that I can manage to get up early enough to get to work on-time the next morning! I knew this is how it was going to be and I will be able to manage just fine... it just makes for very long days. Though I will say that Mitch was an absolute sweetheart yesterday. After a 6am to 9:30pm day... I came home to a clean house. It was absolutely wonderful and... just what I needed. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have that wonderful husband of mine in my life. He is simply amazing.

Well, it is off to go make some breakfast and then get ready for the day. I still have a full day of work to put in before the weekend can arrive.

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