Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, October 29, 2010

T -6 days and counting!

We had our 39 week appointment today and it went pretty well! My blood pressure looks great, his heartbeat was at 130, and my belly measured right on track at 39cm. There has been a bit more progress and the nurse seems to think I won't make my next appointment. The doctor however says that he will see us next Friday for our 40 week, 1 day appointment. I sure hope he is wrong and the nurse is right!

If this little guy is stubborn and we do make our next appointment... we can then choose to be induced on the 9th. I guess it is nice to at least have a date in mind and something to focus on. Hopefully he decides to make an appearance before then though!

Right now I am at at a really good 2cm (basically between 2 and 3cm), still 80% effaced, and he is at -2 station still. We will just have to keep going on those walks and hope that this guy comes when he is ready... and that he will be ready very soon! (Especially as the walk last night was darn right cold at 32 degrees with a wind that gave a windchill of 25 degrees!).

It is looking more and more like he will be a November baby. It is also looking like Mitch and I will get our wish and not have a Halloween baby!

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