Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eviction Notice... Served.

Dear Baby Boy Hofer,

You are hereby officially served your eviction notice. I would love to be pregnant with you for a little bit longer, but it has now gotten to the point where I am having a hard time walking due to some ligament pain in my left leg/groin area. This, to me, is pointless pain and I find myself tired of it. That leaves us with one option and that option is for you to go ahead and make your arrival into the world. If I'm going to be in pain... we might as well make it worth something, right?

Your Mother.

P.S. Your father is anxious to meet you as well. I think he is growing tired of the nightly foot massages he is currently giving me.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I feel my phone vibrate now I for a second I get really excited 1/2 expecting a picture text of the most beautiful baby ever ;)
