Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh, Baby! 37 Week Update.

My doctor informed us today that we are officially out of the preemie stage and our little guy would be just fine if he made an appearance. The appointment went very well today... my belly measured 38cm today and he had a heartrate of 148 beats per minute (he was moving around and being active today!). My blood pressure is still nice and low (100/60) and let's not talk too much about the weight gain. Let's just say that I'm still within the recommended weight gain of 25-35 lbs, but I'm going to go be going over that 35 number any day now. If only my love for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups wasn't being encouraged by all of this darn Halloween candy that is out!

The past day or so I've been experiencing some low back pain and it looks like it was for a reason! I'm still only at 1cm dilated, but I went from 25% effaced to 80% effaced. I'd say that is a pretty significant change! The doctor says that I will probably make it at least 1 more week, which really put the deer-in-the-headlight looks on our faces. We really have a lot to do and we are starting to feel the stress of getting everything ready for the baby... and also packing and cleaning for the move.

I also really need to get a hospital bag packed.

It's just really difficult to try and get all of this stuff done when I am so exhausted every day. I have also been in a lot of pain for the last few days and it has really been trying to keep up the positive attitude. I'm not quite ready for him to be here yet, but I also have been struggling with the pregnancy lately. It's complicated, I guess. I'm just going to take it 1 day at a time from here on out.

Besides, the countdown is dwindling down. We have 20 days to go until we reach that due date.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ya know since I'm not in school...and have no life I can help ya with anything you need most nights ice cream, or just hanging out and talkin or watching tv or playin video games or you can boss me around and I can pretend I know how to pack ... Besides I'm a really good listener!!!

    So hang in there and know I'm always here for you!

    And Let me know if there is anything you need and or just want!
