Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day Two and More Announcements...

So today we celebrated Kirstin's 1st birthday (her actual birthday is tomorrow- March 1st) and informed my family of the new addition to the family we will be having in about 8 months. My mom squealed with excitement and came running over to me saying, "I knew it... I just knew it. Mothers know!" My dad kept hugging me throughout the night and Andrew gave the wise advice that the baby will keep us busy. I kindly reminded him that we won't be starting out with 4 kids like he did with Aimee...

In other words, my family was quite excited and it was nice to be able to talk to more people about this new and exciting chapter of our lives that we just found out that we are on. It's weird to think that we just found out about this and we are already over 5 weeks on this journey. Mitch and I have decided that we will take weekly pictures of my belly just to be able to really visualize the changes that will be occuring.

Oh! We also received our very first baby gift today from Andrew and Aimee. They gave us a fetal heart monitor that we will be able to use in about 4 weeks to try and hear our baby's heartbeat! They used it with Kirstin and now they have given it to us. There are two headphone jacks so we can both listen at the same time. Based off of information in my book that I have been reading, it sounds like we will not be able to hear the baby's heartbeat until 9 weeks or so. Interestingly enough, that will be the day after my birthday! Talk about a pretty neat gift.

Now it is off to bed so I can have a great start to this next week. I have a full week coming up... and I need to make a certain doctor's appointment! Now to see how well I can keep such a wonderful thing a secret.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Oh my God. Mitch!"

Today we had Empire over (along with Mitch's mom, Becky) to look at replacing the carpet in the house. At first we wanted to have them put in laminate wood floor in the dining room and kitchen, but realized that the final cost of that plus carpet for the living room, stairs, and hallways would be over double our budget. So... we decided laminate wood floor was something that just wasn't necessary. So after spending some money on new carpet and saying goodbye to the mother-in-law, we decided to have me take a pregnancy test.

As of today, I was 1 week and 5 days late.... but only 3 days later than last month. I was so certain that it was going to be negative as I do not feel pregnant and feel less pregnant than I did last month. So, I went ahead and took the test and the next words out of my mouth were "Oh my God. Mitch!"

That's right... I am officially pregnant as per both tests that I have taken today! Mitch and I were so excited... I think that we were both in shock and that it still hasn't completely sunk in yet. After spending about half an hour repeating to ourselves that we were pregnant we decided to play Band Hero.

Yep. Band hero. That's how we roll.

We decided to go ahead and tell Mitch's parents tonight and they were quite happy (although they did say that they are too young to be grandparents). We will be telling my parents tomorrow at Kirstin's 1st birthday party as my whole family will be in one place. Besides, I don't think that Kirstin will mind if we steal a little bit of her spotlight.

So, with my LMP being on January 20, 2010... that would put me at 5.5 weeks pregnant. Still very early! It looks like the due date will be around October 27th, but of course this is all probably going to change and be more accurate after the first doctor's visit. Needless to say, we are both very excited and can't wait to see how it all goes.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's day and it is our first Valentine's day as a married couple. I can't even begin to describe the amount of love I have for my husband and how much I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him.

For gifts today, I found out that we are going to Lutsen Resort in Two Harbors, MN for a 3 day getaway soon. I am very excited for this as it is a romantic suite (with a fireplace right next to the bed!) and we are going to be having a 1.5 hour massage at the spa also. It was an absolutely wonderful gift. He also got me raspberry chocolates... which by itself isn't as amusing until we get to what I got him for the occassion.

So I got my husband a couples 1 hour massage here in town for next weekend. I also explained that I will purchase a suit of his choice (as he has wanted a nice, fitted suit for quite sometime now), and I also got him raspberry chocolates. So to break it down... we both got each other raspberry chocolates and massages.

Yes... I do believe that we are THAT married couple. And I wouldn't change it for the world.