Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, October 29, 2010

T -6 days and counting!

We had our 39 week appointment today and it went pretty well! My blood pressure looks great, his heartbeat was at 130, and my belly measured right on track at 39cm. There has been a bit more progress and the nurse seems to think I won't make my next appointment. The doctor however says that he will see us next Friday for our 40 week, 1 day appointment. I sure hope he is wrong and the nurse is right!

If this little guy is stubborn and we do make our next appointment... we can then choose to be induced on the 9th. I guess it is nice to at least have a date in mind and something to focus on. Hopefully he decides to make an appearance before then though!

Right now I am at at a really good 2cm (basically between 2 and 3cm), still 80% effaced, and he is at -2 station still. We will just have to keep going on those walks and hope that this guy comes when he is ready... and that he will be ready very soon! (Especially as the walk last night was darn right cold at 32 degrees with a wind that gave a windchill of 25 degrees!).

It is looking more and more like he will be a November baby. It is also looking like Mitch and I will get our wish and not have a Halloween baby!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eviction Notice... Served.

Dear Baby Boy Hofer,

You are hereby officially served your eviction notice. I would love to be pregnant with you for a little bit longer, but it has now gotten to the point where I am having a hard time walking due to some ligament pain in my left leg/groin area. This, to me, is pointless pain and I find myself tired of it. That leaves us with one option and that option is for you to go ahead and make your arrival into the world. If I'm going to be in pain... we might as well make it worth something, right?

Your Mother.

P.S. Your father is anxious to meet you as well. I think he is growing tired of the nightly foot massages he is currently giving me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

38 Weeks... And Counting.

We had our 38 week doctor appointment today and he looks to be doing just fine still. His heartrate was at 138 beats per minute and my belly measured 38cm (same as last week). Also the same as last week is my dilation and effacement which was a little frustrating for me to hear today. He has dropped a bit lower though, so there was at least some progress since last week.

The doctor explained to us that he predicts he will be seeing us next week... for our 39 week appointment. So what did Mitch and I do this evening? We went for a long walk to maybe convince this little guy that we would love to meet him sooner than later.

I just keep reminding myself that 13 days is really not a lot of time and we actually do have a lot to do before our son arrives. This is also the very last week or two that it is going to just be Mitch and I... and I want to enjoy that to the fullest. Our marriage is very important to us and while we are very excited for our little man to arrive, we are also a bit anxious about all of the changes that come with that.

Ready or not... only 13 days to go until that due date of November 4th.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Moment of Reflection

It is absolutely amazing how much one learns in 9 months.

9 months ago, Mitch and I were pretty clueless when it came to pregnancy, babies, and everything else that comes with when you are expecting. We thought we knew what we were getting into, but now I know that we really didn't.

I remember back in June when we first walked into Babies-R-Us to start our baby registry. We had no idea what we needed... or what some of the things in there were for! From bedding to furniture and monitors to feeding supplies, we quickly realized that we were in over our heads and didn't have a clue about any of this stuff. I remember at one point I looked over at Mitch and told him that I was amazed that people were able to have babies and know how to take care of them. We quickly found ourselves to be very intimidated by the sheer amount of items in that store that I told Mitch that we needed to just go home and come back with our moms because I didn't know what to do in the store. (Yes, this would qualify for a mini-breakdown.) We went back to Babies-R-Us the very next weekend with both of our moms and they were our guiding light and helped us with our registry. I will never forget asking what a receiving blanket was... and then 5 seconds later asking what a flannel blanket was. (Word to the wise? They are the same darn thing.)

Last weekend, we finished up our registries and finished buying everything that we may want/need right away to help make life a bit easier for our new arrival. We didn't need the assistance of our moms and we actually knew what we were doing. It's truly amazing how much changes and how many things you learn throughout these 9 months of pregnancy.

The truly scary thought is if we've learned this much within the last 9 months... I can't imagine how much we still don't know and will need to learn.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh, Baby! 37 Week Update.

My doctor informed us today that we are officially out of the preemie stage and our little guy would be just fine if he made an appearance. The appointment went very well today... my belly measured 38cm today and he had a heartrate of 148 beats per minute (he was moving around and being active today!). My blood pressure is still nice and low (100/60) and let's not talk too much about the weight gain. Let's just say that I'm still within the recommended weight gain of 25-35 lbs, but I'm going to go be going over that 35 number any day now. If only my love for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups wasn't being encouraged by all of this darn Halloween candy that is out!

The past day or so I've been experiencing some low back pain and it looks like it was for a reason! I'm still only at 1cm dilated, but I went from 25% effaced to 80% effaced. I'd say that is a pretty significant change! The doctor says that I will probably make it at least 1 more week, which really put the deer-in-the-headlight looks on our faces. We really have a lot to do and we are starting to feel the stress of getting everything ready for the baby... and also packing and cleaning for the move.

I also really need to get a hospital bag packed.

It's just really difficult to try and get all of this stuff done when I am so exhausted every day. I have also been in a lot of pain for the last few days and it has really been trying to keep up the positive attitude. I'm not quite ready for him to be here yet, but I also have been struggling with the pregnancy lately. It's complicated, I guess. I'm just going to take it 1 day at a time from here on out.

Besides, the countdown is dwindling down. We have 20 days to go until we reach that due date.

Friday, October 8, 2010

36 Week Dr. Appt

Today was the first of my weekly doctor appointments and it went well. He is definitely head down and in a good position for these final weeks until he arrives. His heartbeat is staying pretty consistent with our past visits at 130 beats per minute and my belly is still measuring right on track (so I am assuming 36cm). I had my Group B Strep test today and we will get the results next week at our appointment.

They also did the first internal exam today and I am showing a little bit of progress, not that it actually means anything. You can stay at the same level for weeks... or you could change dramatically within that same day! (They really don't make it easy on us!). Currently, I am at 1cm dilated and 25% effaced. It will be interesting to see what we will be at next week at our next appointment.

I can tell that he has dropped a little bit as when he gets the hiccups, I definitely feel them quite a bit lower than where I used to. Wow... it really is getting close to his birth day. I think Mitch and I have a busy weekend coming up with all of the shopping, cleaning, and getting ready we have to do!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Colds and pregnancy do not mix well together.

After 8 months of pregnancy, the inevitable happened. I became victim to a runny nose, sore throat, sinus pressure, crummy feeling... common cold. I quickly came to the realization that a cold is the last thing that you want in the last month of pregnancy considering that you have limited options in what you can take for relief, you already can't sleep well, and you feel a bit uncomfortable all of the time anyway as is.

Thankfully I am just about over the cold. It really only flares up at night now (surprise, surprise), but during the day I am pretty good now. The cold had a long 4 day run, but somehow my immune system fought back and won.

In other news, I know I still have 4 weeks... but I am fairly convinced he has officially run out of room in there. The past 2 days have been rather painful with his movements and while I am thankful for the constant reassurance that all is well with him, I do believe that he could be a bit gentler. Just sayin'.

We still have quite a bit left to do before his arrival. We need to get the car seat bases installed into our vehicles, get them inspected at the fire department, pack the hospital bag, pack the diaper bag, finish purchasing baby items, and wash all of his clothes and blankets. And clean. And start packing up the house in boxes. And, of course, remembering how to breathe. Oh my.