Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Double Digits!

It's hard to believe that there are only 99 days left until November 4th. At the same time, it is also hard to believe that there are still 99 days left to go.

Apparently you just can't please a pregnant woman. Time goes by both too quickly and too slowly. Where is Goldilocks when you need her?

Either way... it's a milestone nonetheless. Happy Double Digit Day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

25 weeks, 3 days baby bump.

Looking at this picture, I guess it really isn't a surprise that I get comments almost every time I go somewhere now about my pregnancy. I sure have popped from the picture 3 weeks ago! Things are going wonderfully with the pregnancy and it is hard to believe that my due date is 14 weeks, 4 days away. I have a feeling that our baby boy will be here before we know it... those 14 weeks are going to go by so incredibly fast.

A Guardian Angel.

On Friday, July 23, 2010 at 7:45pm, Grandpa Marvin Holter passed away. Grandpa Holter was Mark's dad (so my stepdad's dad) and he was an absolutely wonderful, loving man that we will all miss dearly.

I've heard it said somewhere that for every death, there is a birth. And that the next birth in the family has a guardian angel from that death. Therefore, our son already has a guardian angel looking over him: Marvin Holter. I like to think that this is true and I consider it a blessing from above.

Rest in peace, Grandpa Holter... and take good watch over our little boy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

24 Week Dr. Appointment.

Our 24 week appointment was today and it went very well! My fundal height is right on track at 24cm for 24 weeks. So this means that he looks to be growing as he should. My weight gain is also looking good at 18 lbs. It's always reassuring to be told that you are on track with what the doctors are looking for. His heartbeat was at 130 at rest and then sped up whenever he moved... which was often! It did sound nice and strong and, as always, was a wonderful sound. Another piece of good news is that my blood pressure is still nice and normal at 90/60. I was a bit worried as the last appointment my blood pressure was 120/80 which is normal for everyone... but a bit on the high side for me. Thankfully, it is back to normal which makes for a very happy Lindsay.

We also set up our 28 week appointment today that included the glucose screening test and my RhoGAM shot. Basically, we will have to show up about 30 minutes before our appointment and go down to the lab to drink the glucose sugar drink. After drinking that, we will head up to see Dr. Cheng for our 28 week appointment and then it is back down to the lab we go. 1 hour after I finish drinking the glucose sugar drink they will draw my blood... and then it is back up to the Ob/Gyn desk so I can see a nurse to get my RhoGAM shot. Again, the RhoGAM shot is because I'm RH-Negative and need that to make sure my baby boy doesn't have any issues from this. So, all-in-all, we will be there for over an hour next month.

We were also told that we only have 2 more monthly appointments until we go on a new appointment schedule. So that will be the 28 week and 32 week appointments. After that, we will be going to appointments every 2 weeks until the last month as then it will be every week. Our appointments (should) go as follows: 28 week, 32 week, 34 week, 36 week, 37 week, 38 week, 39 week, and 40 week.

On the home front, our office is about ready to be an empty room (probably by next week) which is good news as it means we can start getting the nursery ready. Paint the walls, shampoo the carpets, and all of that good stuff.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kicks, viability, and upcoming appointments.

... my oh my. What a strong little man I have! I'm slowly getting used to my belly randomly moving around all over the place, but I'm still amazed every time I feel him move and kick around in there. It's such an amazing feeling and I love how he is constantly reminding me of his presence. It's reassuring and puts me at ease knowing that he's doing alright.

I'm only 3 days away from 24 weeks... which also marks the point of viability! This is a wonderful milestone as it means if I was to go into labor, baby boy Hofer would have a 50-70% chance of survival. At 26 weeks, that statistic jumps up to approximately 90%.

Our next doctor appointment is this Friday. It should be a short visit... check my weight, blood pressure, measure my belly, and listen to the heartbeat. It's the 28 week visit that will be the long one... the infamous glucose test.

I'm also quite excited that we officially have a 3D ultrasound appointment set up now! We have it scheduled for 27 weeks, 2 days... so August 7th. Our parents will be coming with us so that they can meet their grandson. I'm excited to see what our little man looks like... and who he looks like!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

22 weeks, 3 days.

It's amazing to think that I am 14 and a half weeks away from being considered full term and 17 and a half weeks away from my estimated due date. Baby boy Hofer continues to let me know he is there with all of the kicks and nudges as he moves around in there. We even have a "game" in which I will press and wiggle on one spot on my stomach for a few seconds and then wait for him to respond with a kick back. With less than 4 months to get everything ready, Mitch and I are starting to feel the pressure to get everything done... and soon!

Ahoy Mate!

So in celebration of Independence Day... here is the nursery bedding that we picked out a couple of weeks ago.

And yes, I realize that there is no correlation between the two, but I'm pregnant and what I say goes. So there.

Back to the nursery bedding. We had previously chosen a nautica bedding set, but lo and behold... that particular set was discontinued. So it was back to the drawing board for us as the other nursery bedding set we had previously picked out was for the girl option which most definitely no longer applies. We still didn't want to do the safari (which apparently is all the rage right now), so we were trying to decide between nautica, sports, and teddy bear... and ultimately decided on nautica with the help of the grandmas-to-be.

The bedding set is called "Ahoy Mate" and we are having a ton of fun with the boats, whales... and even the monkey. Though I stand by how I don't get the monkey... and Mitch is having entirely too much fun with that fact. So, with the explosion of blue that the bedding set gives, we are going to paint the walls a pale yellow with the nursery furniture being white. It's fun to be able to begin to envision the nursery... and I know it will not even compare to when we have the nursery all set to go in just a few months.

Where is the time going?