Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ice Cube Drama.

So, my birth and parenting class instructor? I no longer like her. I mean, I get that I'm going to be in a lot of pain and that labor and delivery is difficult... however... I don't agree with making us pregnant women squeeze a painfully cold ice cube in one hand for a pretend "contraction" so we could use our breathing techniques and comfort measures we have been learning about in class.

Let's just say it doesn't feel the best. And she made us hold that ice cube for a really long time. Twice.

I am starting to freak out a little bit about the whole childbirth experience. Up until now I have had the very realistic, "yeah, it is going to be painful, but there is nothing I can do to change that and it will be worth it in the end." Now? It's more the "Oh emm gee! This is not going to be fun and I'm not really sure I am going to be ready for this for another year or two so if we can just go ahead and undo this whole pregnancy that would be great. Ok, thanks."

Nevermind that I have less than 7 weeks until my due date.

Part of my mind is okay with everything and the other part is a tiny bit overly anxious.

Now, don't get me wrong... I am still very much excited to have our little man here within the next two months and I wouldn't trade my pregnancy for anything. (And that is saying something as I am really starting to get uncomfortable and getting up to use the bathroom 5 times in one night while waking up with leg cramps 3 times in that same night is not my idea of fun.) Every time I look in his nursery or do something to get ready for his arrival... my heart just floods with so much love, wonder, and pride. I'm really looking forward to being a mom and while I am a little bit scared right now, I know that it will all be worth it in the end because it already is now.

Countdown? 6 weeks, 6 days (48 days total left until my due date).

1 comment:

  1. You will do great!!!!! And, really, most of it you might not remember, but some of it you will :D
