Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why, hello 3rd trimester.

It's official. I am now in the third trimester and we are down to only 13 weeks left until my estimated due date of November 4th.

Not to mention only 2 more days until our 3D/4D ultrasound where we will get to see our little man again... and the grandparents-to-be will get to tag along. I know I am excited and it sounds like everyone else is also.

As far as the pregnancy goes... I really can't complain. I can tell that he is getting bigger and stronger as his movements, kicks, and stretches have become more and more forceful with each passing day. There are times where he honestly takes my breath away! Mitch and I both love to feel and watch him move around in there (even when he does decide to be difficult and move for mom, but not for dad). I have some aches and pains... and it is hard to get comfortable at night, but overall it hasn't been bad. What has been bad is my ever growing sweet tooth. I honestly can't get enough chocolate now and somehow I really don't think that is what our little man needs (or what his mom's thighs need). Hopefully this particular sweet tooth phase will disappear soon!

The status of the nursery is well... slowly, but surely getting there? We have the room emptied out and tonight we went out and bought the paint. We went with "moonlit yellow" and I'm very optimistic with how it is going to turn out. Mitch, Aimee, and Darwin are going to be the painting crew this Sunday and I am looking forward to being able to check another item off of our checklist.

Tomorrow I need to really get on top of daycare interviews/tours. Time is starting to feel a bit tight!

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